Season 2, Episode 3

Nat Milne on the role of business in society & impact starting within

The People Place & Beminded NZ


The People Place & Beminded NZ 💥

Nat Milne is the founder of The People Place and Beminded NZ. She is a leader in the HR, people and productivity space for SMEs. Nat is passionate about the role of business in society and community - creating engaged workforces, seeing businesses grow, alongside making an impact on the economy and community.

Nat shared with me the concept of social impact starting within business operations and specifically the treatment of employees. It highlighted to me the power of HR and productivity when it comes to impact.

In this conversation we look at what social impact means to Nat, challenges for businesses wanting to have an impact beyond profit, generosity starting before the bottom line and her general thoughts on the role of business.

A big thanks to Basestation for making this podcast episode possible. If you want to learn more about their amazing coworking offerings in Tauranga, feel free to check them out here -


Season 2, Episode 4


Season 2, Episode 2